Prescription Refill
Start Treatment $34.99


You can effortlessly refill a prescription for 30, 60, or 90 days. We can offer you refills for existing drugs (prescriptions must have been filled by your pharmacy within the previous 12 months to qualify).

How it works

1. Choose “quick refill” or “prescription refill”

2. Fill out your online refill request form.

3. Providers will conduct a review and prescribe

Prescriptions that can be refilled

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid problems
  • Asthma
  • Non-controlled psychiatric medicine
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Herpes
  • Birth Control
  • Prescriptions for dermatology

We DO NOT give out pain relievers or harmful pharmaceuticals like Ambien, muscle relaxants, clonidine, gabapentin, testosterone, or seizure meds.


A rapid refill is a prescription that we previously gave to a patient. A prescription refill request is one for any drug you are presently taking that was prescribed by another doctor.

You may have up to four prescriptions renewed in one appointment.

Paying for your medication:

Medicine is not included in the consultation fees. You still have to pay for the drug at your pharmacy. IMPORTANT: This refill service does not prescribe antibiotics. Return to the consultation page and choose a condition for antibiotics.

*We DO NOT prescribe or replace controlled drugs*


Start Treatment $34.99
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