Motion Sickness Treatment
Start Treatment $34.99

Motion sickness, also known as travel sickness or kinetosis, is a common condition characterized by a combination of symptoms that occur when a person is exposed to certain types of motion or movement. It typically arises from conflicting sensory information received by the brain, primarily from the eyes, inner ears (vestibular system), and the body’s proprioceptive system.


Nausea: Feeling queasy or an uneasy sensation in the stomach.

Vomiting: Sometimes, severe motion sickness can lead to vomiting.

Dizziness: Feeling lightheaded or unsteady.

Sweating: Increased perspiration.

Fatigue: Feeling tired or lethargic.

Pallor: Pale skin complexion.



Transdermal patches

Behavioral and lifestyle modifications

Alternative therapies

Start Treatment $34.99
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