Dental Infection Treatment
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A dental infection, also referred to as a tooth infection or dental abscess, is the result of the invasion and proliferation of harmful bacteria within a tooth or the adjacent structures in the oral cavity. Such infections can give rise to a range of symptoms and complications, encompassing localized pain and swelling, as well as potential systemic health concerns.


  • Aches
  • Swollen gums
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Fever
  • Breathing / swallow difficulty
  • Foul mouth smell


Treatment of dental infections usually involves addressing the underlying dental problem and managing the infection. Common treatment options include drainage, antibiotics, and dental procedures.

In many cases, a dentist will perform a drainage procedure to remove pus and alleviate pressure.

Antibiotics may also be prescribed to control the infection, particularly if it has extended beyond the immediate area.

Additionally, dental procedures such as root canal therapy or tooth extraction may be required to eliminate the source of the infection.

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