About Us
Experiencing symptoms? Our easy-to-use technology makes it convenient to present your symptoms and have your medication sent to your doorstep.
Easy and secure healthcare

At Reddydoc, you can be assured you're getting the highest level of care and attention. We've deliberately made the process secure and user-friendly, so you can experience the best of telemedicine. Get started by signing up today.

Need to talk to a medical personnel about your symptoms? We've got you! Simply present your symptoms, and get a prescription.
Present Your Symptoms
Tell us what signs you are showing.
Get A Diagnosis
We examine based on your history.
Receive Your Prescription
We send out a prescription.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you handle critical cases?
Critical cases often require immediate treatments and procedures that cannot be carried out remotely. We advise that you call 911 right now!
Is my card details safe?
We prioritize the safety of financial transactions for all our users, and we'll never reveal your payment details to unauthorized access.
How secure is my medical data?
We place utmost focus on the security and privacy of medical data. You can be sure your details are handled with utmost confidentiality.
Can I set up a live call?
Our medical personnel do not hold live calls with users. If you are experiencing any symptom, simply log in to get started.
Can I request a refund?
If you are qualified for a refund, we will provide you with the necessary processes and dates for the refund process. If not, we will explain why and propose an alternative solution if applicable.
Are you available for 24 hours?
Once you present your symptoms, our medical personnel will send out your prescription to the nearest pharmacy.
You don't need to worry about your symptoms. We're here for you.
Get your medication in 3 easy steps!